Wednesday, 14 September 2011

College LIfe

I'm about to study 2-3 years more. And LPU gave me many experiences that I only had in this University. At first, i thought studying in a university was too harsh, but its just a mistake. Though lessons made my brain burst, it's ok. Because i know someday i can use that. I hope so, :D I just don't get the point of having chemistry in our curriculum. That subject made my semester miserable. 
1st year of studying here, i do not understand having seven consecutive absences is equal to FDA ( Failure due to Absences). Having many absences was just nothing for me. I don't understand that it will affect my grades. And also reviewing for exams, it sucks. In that time I want to live life to the fullest. I'm just contented of the passing grade than aiming for a highest grade. it's also okay for me before not to pass those little stuffs like activities, assignments and so whatever. I thought its kinda nonsense. However this school year I have already adjusted from high school life. Studying to get a great job was not really easy, that's why i remembered a nice quote "success belongs only to those who are willing to work harder than anyone else". Thanks to those people who helped me to study hard. This year was a great opportunity for me to forget those effin past and to use that in my future trials. I also thank God for giving me knowledge, strength and temperance in my daily life. Although I'm trying work so hard, there's always a temptation that i cannot handle. I love parties, gimmicks with barkada and so on. 
This coming second week of September we are going to have Masskara Festival, that's why this past few days I am so tired, mentally and physically.  I hope my hard work will be pay for. This is all for a high grade, I know God is happy seeing his child working so hard.And I am praying for a great semester having a good grade and a good life.

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